Work Trip: Oregon

For the past week I have been in Oregon meeting a few plant growers and becoming familiar with their nursery stock and operations. Networking is important in any business as is educating yourself on how your industry works on the front end and behind the scenes.  

I did have some specific specimens I was looking for for a particular project and I may have found the proper pieces! 

The weather was wonderful - a good mix of everything. I really do love (western) Oregon and besides a three-month stint of living in Arizona, Oregon is the state I have frequented most often. Honestly, I do not have an affinity for the city of Portland though there are some really great aspects to it; Seattle to the north will always have my heart. That said, the gorge and the coast line do it for me every time! As well as the acres and acres of nursery stock!!! I could have wandered through the neat rows of trees and shrubs for hours and days.